Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Disney Rapunzel

I LIKE THIS MOVIE.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kyaaaaaaa~~~~ believe it or not,i have watched this movie twice in cinema, 3D and non, and now i'm waiting for the dvd come out, i'll buy it and watch again again and again,hahaha...

After receiving the healing powers from a magical flower, the baby Princess Rapunzel is kidnapped from the palace in the middle of the night by Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel knows that the flower's magical powers are now growing within the golden hair of Rapunzel, and to stay young, she must lock Rapunzel in her hidden tower. Rapunzel is now a teenager and her hair has grown to a length of 70-feet. The beautiful Rapunzel has been in the tower her entire life, and she is curious of the outside world. One day, the bandit Flynn Ryder scales the tower and is taken captive by Rapunzel. Rapunzel strikes a deal with the charming thief to act as her guide to travel to the place where the floating lights come from that she has seen every year on her birthday. Rapunzel is about to have the most exciting and magnificent journey of her life. Written by Douglas Young (the movie guy).

and below is my fav soundtrack of disney rapunzel,oooh i love this movie and it songs.

#Track listing for the 'Tangled' soundtrack:
1. When Will My Life Begin? – Performed by Mandy Moore as Rapunzel
2. Mother Knows Best – Performed by Donna Murphy as Mother Gothel
3. I’ve Got a Dream – Performed by Brad Garrett as Hook Hand Thug, Jeffrey Tambor as Big Nose Thug, Mandy Moore as Rapunzel, Zachary Levi as Flynn Rider, and the Thug Chorus
4. I See The Light – Performed by Mandy Moore as Rapunzel and Zachary Levi as Flynn Rider
5. Healing Incantation – Performed by Mandy Moore as Rapunzel

mari membaca ;)

Hari ini gue ke palasari sm ai umamy,hemm untung sama supir yg orang bandung,jadi ngga pake nyasar deh,hehee lumayan hari minggu di palasari ga begitu rame,tapi toko-tokonya buka semua,gilaaaa itu tempat ngga ada liburnya kayaknya... emm oh iya pasti pada bingung palasari itu apa,jadi yaa palasari itu tempat buku-buku murah ada yang second juga, semua lengkap disitu, ya kayak kwitang deh kalo di jakarta. gue sih belum pernah ke kwitang, hehe tapi kalo di palasari bandung itu enak,ada tempat parkirnya sendiri didepan pertokoan buku-bukunya itu,trs disini emang harus jago nawar kalo mau dapet murah dan jangan juga diem di satu toko, kita kudu muterin semua toko di palasari kalo emang mau compare harga dan dapet yang murah,hahaaa....di palasari dijual segala macem buku, ada komik majalah sampe buku-buku buat kuliah semua jurusan juga ada,bisa dibilang lengkap lah :)
nah hari ini gue dapet buku :

1.Fisiologi kedokteran-GUYTON & HALL

2.Anatomi Klinis Dasar-KEITH L. MOORE

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

thank you :*

The Birthday Greetings!!

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

17 going 18

My Eighteen birthday ^_^

ya allah alhamdullilah bisa mencapai umur ini, buat ulang tahun yang kali ini emang agak beda dari yang sebelumnya, karena di ulang tahun kali ini jauh dari temen-temen gue di jakarta sama mami papi juga jauh kakak-kakak juga semua di jakarta,kebetulan tgl 24 nov 2010 kemaren mmg ga pas weekend jadi ga bisa pulang, aaaa rasanya sedih ga bisa ngerayain bareng orang-orang yang disayang,hiks...hiks...hiks
tapi bener-bener ga nyangka, ternyata temen-temen yang masih bisa dibilang 'baru' bisa sebegitu perhatiannya sm ulang tahun gue, mereka kasih surprise pas gue keluar kelas habis selesai kuliah mereka bawa kue,i swear i never though they will do that, i feel so lucky have you all girls :* :* :* :* thankyou so much, walopun dengan lilin umur 180, hahahahahaaa smoooch............................
Terus ga lupa juga makasih banget buat temen-temen gue dari SD SMP SMA yang sampe sekarang selalu ada dan masih inget ulang tahun gue, thanks a lot for all of you who had send your wishes ada pray for me ;)) :* love yoouuu........