gw suka banget nonton pucca di indovision setiap hari jam 10 pagi sama jam 4 sore,soalnya pucca bener-bener ngehibur dan karater yang dibuat tuh lucu-lucu,kocak aja gw liat pucca napsu bgt mau nyium garu. Selama ini gw cuma tau beberapa tokoh di film pucca,nah kemaren lagi iseng searching di web tiba-tiba nemuin nih para tokoh film pucca dan karakternya,ini bukan oroginal buatan gw,cuman ada sedikit-sedikit tambahan buat lebih ngenal tokoh-tokoh pucca,so enjoy the read guys. okay let we start with the main character,of course it is PUCCA!!
Pucca is totally obsessed with Garu and develops some serious super powers when she's chasing him around and nothing can stop her from smoochin' him! Pucca doesn't speak but her actions and her girly giggle say it all..(ooh i love pucca so much)
Garu-pucca's boy(hopefully)
Dedicated to becoming the ultimate ninja, Garu spends most of his time trying to perfect his skills if only Pucca would let him! Garu is always on the run from Pucca and all her kissy-huggy stuff!
Abyo-He's Garu's best friend and a wannabe kung fu celebrity! Chatterbox Abyo is a real showoff.
(he always open his clothes when he wanted to fight,haha it's fool).
Ching-pucca's nosy best friend who loves to chat! Ching is the most skilled sword fighter in the village! She secretly fancies Abyo and has a pet chicken called Won...
(ching is the one of my favourite too,especially because of the chicken above his head :D)
Ring Ring-she is jealous of Pucca and hates Sooga Village! Ring Ring is an opera star and has amazing hair that she can use as a weapon. The snobby show-off lives in the most stylish house in the village with her little doggie.
(actually i love ring-ring hair because it's so amazing weapon for the woman like me*evil laugh*)
Dada-working as a waiter at the Go-Rong restaurant has turned Dada into a nervous wreck! He's very clumsy and often wets himself under pressure.
( if i'm not mistaken,dada crush on ring-ring,but because of a different social status their love is impossible to be real,ooh poor dada)
Tobe-this bad boy ninja is set on destroying Garu but with Pucca in the way, his mission is impossible! Still, Tobe and his identical ninja gang will never stop trying to bring him down.
(hahahaa i can't stop laugh because i saw tobe in the episode when he fallin love with chief,so romantic)
Chief-the ringleader of the Vagabonds, a group of failed ninjas! With her foolish schemes she'll never become a respected criminal. Chief also has a bit of a crush on bad boy Tobe!
(chief really like tobe's bad habit,maybe this is the true love,hahaha)
gw suka banget nonton pucca di indovision setiap hari jam 10 pagi sama jam 4 sore,soalnya pucca bener-bener ngehibur dan karater yang dibuat tuh lucu-lucu,kocak aja gw liat pucca napsu bgt mau nyium garu. Selama ini gw cuma tau beberapa tokoh di film pucca,nah kemaren lagi iseng searching di web tiba-tiba nemuin nih para tokoh film pucca dan karakternya,ini bukan oroginal buatan gw,cuman ada sedikit-sedikit tambahan buat lebih ngenal tokoh-tokoh pucca,so enjoy the read guys. okay let we start with the main character,of course it is PUCCA!!

Dedicated to becoming the ultimate ninja, Garu spends most of his time trying to perfect his skills if only Pucca would let him! Garu is always on the run from Pucca and all her kissy-huggy stuff!

(he always open his clothes when he wanted to fight,haha it's fool).

(ching is the one of my favourite too,especially because of the chicken above his head :D)

(actually i love ring-ring hair because it's so amazing weapon for the woman like me*evil laugh*)

( if i'm not mistaken,dada crush on ring-ring,but because of a different social status their love is impossible to be real,ooh poor dada)

(hahahaa i can't stop laugh because i saw tobe in the episode when he fallin love with chief,so romantic)

(chief really like tobe's bad habit,maybe this is the true love,hahaha)
for more info the character of pucca see this link(this is the original) :
Pucca theme song lyric :
Pucca love Garu
He's a pretty boy
Ninjas eat noodles
Kissy chase, Kissy Face
Wham Tam Tam
Pu(10x) ca funny love pu pu
Pu(10x) ca funny love pu pu
Pucca love Garu
Kissy chase, Kissy face
What tam tam!
He's a pretty boy
Ninjas eat noodles
Kissy chase, Kissy Face
Wham Tam Tam
Pu(10x) ca funny love pu pu
Pu(10x) ca funny love pu pu
Pucca love Garu
Kissy chase, Kissy face
What tam tam!
jadi pengen nonton pucca